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Carleton Blockchain is the fastest growing student association at Carleton. We envision a future where students are empowered with the tools be the next innovators in this space, and we need your help to scale our growth.
💡| We plan to do this through:
📈 | We’re growing fast:
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✨ ****I Impact: As an early executive, you'll have the opportunity to shape the club's vision, goals, and activities from the ground up.
📊 | Career: Interested in a career in crypto/web3? As an executive, we will do everything in our power to connect you to employers in the space.
🏀 | Culture: 2015-2016 Golden State Warriors. You will be surrounded with A+ teammates, holding each other accountable. We have high expectations for performance and delivering results.
🫡 | Motto: Make it happen, we bring ideas to life.
😎 | Good Vibes: We have good vibes.